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6-9-10 Special Meeting



At 6:32 P. M., the meeting was called to order by Chair Person Duane Giannini. Present were Commissioners Keith Jacobs, Brian Budd and Bruce Walzcak. Also present was Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios and several presenters. Absent was Commissioner James Viadero.

The Commission began discussions of the new firehouse for Newtown Hook and Ladder Company #1 at 12 Sugar St. Newtown.  Mr. Michael Galante of Frederick P. Clark Associates Inc. presented for the Newtown Hook and Ladder.  The Traffic Access and Impact Study was discussed by Mr. Galante. Mr. Galante stated that the building would be situated 950 feet west of Rte. 25 or 650 feet west of Elm Drive off the westbound shoulder of Sugar St.  Peak hours and traffic counts/volumes were discussed.  Mr. Galante noted that the fire department averages 1 call per day.  The accident history of the area was discussed by Mr. Galante.

Mr. Galante noted that the queue situation would have greatest impact on emergency response from the new building especially at peak hours therefore the plan proposed will have an actuation device at the firehouse to clear eastbound traffic from the new firehouse to the traffic light at Rte 25 and Rte 302. Mr. Galante noted that there would be little change to the Level of Service (LOS) after the firehouse is built.  The plan called for a spilt phase traffic light with priority phasing to be determined by the DOT.

Commissioner Walczak commented that the new firehouse would be situated near a very problematic intersection with heavy congestion during peak hours and although he had concerns, he would vote in favor of the plan as presented. Commissioner Budd commented that any future improvements to the area include widening of Rte. 302 east of Elm Drive which has chokepoint at the bridge over a stream. Commissioner Giannini commented that he would like to have the plan include road markings/signage in front of the new firehouse so that the queue did not block the egress and ingress to the new firehouse.

At 7:28 P. M., a motion was made by Commissioner Walczak to approve and accept the Traffic Access and Impact Study dated May 25, 2010 as prepared and presented to the Board by Mr. Michael Galante of Frederick P. Clark Associates, Inc. regarding a new firehouse for Newtown Hook and Ladder Company # 1 at 12 Sugar St.; seconded by Commissioner Budd;  carried by unanimous vote.

At 7:28 P. M. the Board began discussions of the proposal of Verdat Kala to build a new bank and day care facility and two future commercial retail buildings at 2, 4, 6, and 8 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook.

Commissioner Giannini stated for the record he would recuse himself from voting on the matter due a conflict of interest concern.  Mr. Michael Galante and John Mack, site engineer for the project presented and answered questions regarding the project.  The accident history, traffic counts/volume and layout of the project were presented. Mr. Galante noted that the highest volume is the afternoon peak time weekdays.  The DOT is attempting to classify the traffic light at the intersection as a safety issue. Engineers are preparing a traffic light plan, however the State has no money nor a timetable to improve the light.

Mr. Galante noted that the traffic light will be a split phase light when improved. Mr. Mack indicated that the project will be phased in, most likely in 2 phases. Mr. Galante commented that the driveway changes would occur in Phase 1. Chief Kehoe noted for the Commission, that the Sandy Hook Streetscape Phase 2 project had received CIP dollars and should incorporate these plans as both projects are discussed.   

At 8:14 P. M., a motion was made by Commissioner Walczak to approve and accept the Traffic Access and Impact Study dated May 21, 2010 as prepared and presented to the Board by Mr. Michael Galante of Frederick P. Clark Associates, Inc. regarding the proposal of Verdat Kala to build a new bank and day care facility and two future commercial retail buildings at 2, 4, 6, and 8 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook; seconded by Commissioner Budd;  carried by unanimous vote. Commissioner Giannini abstained from the vote due to a conflict of interest concern.

At 8:14 P. M., a motion was made by Commissioner Walczak to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs, and carried by unanimous vote.

Submitted by:__________________________________
Chief Michael K. Kehoe
    Duane Giannini, Chairman